Gedanken zum Tod von Robin Williams

Was Erwin McManus (Autor, Regisseur, Pastor aus L.A.) vor einigen Tagen über den Tod von Robin Williams gepostet hat, hat mich echt bewegt.

Er schreibt: 

"I had the beautiful privilege of running into Robin Williams years ago. 
He was gracious and kind and warm and deeply human. 

He was also the funniest person I have ever encountered in my life. He was funnier in a spontaneous 10 minutes on the way to the men's room than most are on stage delivering their best material. 

What struck me most was how generous he was with his time and how he genuinely enjoyed bringing people happiness. 

If you can love a person you don't know I have always loved Robin Williams. He made my life better. He made me better. His roles inspired me and elevated me. 

How tragic that a person would chose to end a life that all of us treasured as a gift. Robin, if you could have only known how you made us feel... How you made us better. How your laughter healed us. You are a great loss to us. 

Everyone should know they matter more than they know. Everyone should know that life is worth the struggle. Everyone should have someone to remind them how much we need them here with us. 

Too many beautiful people have come to tragic endings. May every space where humans dwell be drenched in hope and love. Captain, My Captain." (Hervorhebungen von mir)

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